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🚨 Don't let the CPSC pass their proposal to make portable generators unavailable!


eBook: How to Choose and Use a Generator by Steve Maxwell

February 9, 2021

The reliability of our electricity supply isn’t what it used to be. Utility companies have cut back on line maintenance and sometimes electricity demand across North America almost exceeds supply. The continent-wide, interconnected electrical grid means that power failures can ripple outwards like falling dominoes. It’s hard to find anyone who hasn’t experienced a power outage. Portable generators offer a safe and convenient way to provide power to a home when an outage occurs. And while none of this is news, what you might not realize is how far small-scale generator technology has advanced. It’s now more practical than ever for proactive homeowners to meet their own emergency power needs, and to meet it at lower cost than ever. Success begins by understanding your needs and options, and this is what you’ll get in this report.

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